Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A Courageous Heart

Well, we're off and running! Registrations for our 2010 women's retreat opened last Sunday, 3/7, and we already have women signed up. Woohoo! And the ages of those women range from high school up through....well, up there. How awesome to come together as women from different generations under One God! We have much to learn and experience from and with each other. One such thing is learning to live from a curious and courageous heart. Thus, the theme of our retreat this year, "Courageous Hearts". I love the logo on our brochure that captures the feel of this kind of heart in a picture. You see it here on this blog post. It's multi-layered, with varied colors and shadows as well as movement. A snapshot of a heart that is moving, changing, risking, growing. That's a picture of us, under God, as He continues to shape us and we take the courageous steps to partner with Him in our transformative journey. Hope you'll join us for this weekend together as we reconnect with our courageous hearts and the God who made them. Stop by and see us at the Spotlight Booth this weekend.


  1. Lorraine! Glad to see that you've posted. I can't wait to finish the painting. It's on its way! I will be out of town this weekend, but I need to sign up Lindsay and me asap huh?

  2. I'm so excited for Friday. Randy please let me know what I can do to help you with the art and if there's anything you need. I will be packing as light as possible for our cozy journey. - Julie
